Friday, February 11, 2005

30 Years Too Late

Hey Hey Hey. Sounds like Bill Cosby can’t keep his Fat Albert under control. Two women have come forward with claims that the Cos drugged them with a super-powerful decongestant and then went straight for the pudding.

But Dr. Huxtable won’t be wearing prison-stripped sweaters anytime soon. While Cosby has become an unbearable puss in his twilight years, and while he probably does indeed lace his Actifed with a little rohypnol to bypass the small talk, the claims against Cosby are about as solid as his 70 year old wiener. The strongest and most recent of the two claims comes from a basketball coach who said Cosby slipped her a couple of pills that made her a little loopy, then copped at feel a little later that evening.

She claims that the incident happened one year ago. She can’t say why she waited 12 months to press charges.

The second charge is identically bogus. Model-turned-lawyer, Tamara Green, says Cosby gave her a couple of decongestants at a luncheon that caused her to become incapacitated. Cosby took Green back to her place to demonstrate his stand up routine, but the incapacitated Green somehow managed to fight off the comedian with a lamp. Cosby tossed her $200.

This was 30 years ago.

Thirty. Three-Oh.

Three decades.

15 million days.

Why women’s rights groups and victims’ advocates aren’t running this model-turned-lawyer-turned douche bag out of town is beyond me. Her ridiculous claim is too hard to ever believe, and that makes it more difficult for those who have actually been assaulted by old farts like Cosby. If a 30-year delay in calling the police didn’t kill her credibility, then her legal troubles might. Green was hit with a 13-count bar association complaint for mishandling money and skipping town on three clients. She’s also a not-so-proud member of a program for lawyers with substance abuse and mental health problems.

And when was this woman ever a model! Take 30 years off her chins and cankles and Cosby still paid about $195 too much.

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